
“Moving our fifth-grader and third-grader to WCA was something we had been considering for years. We are so grateful that God led our family to finally make the decision and do so boldly, as the school has blessed us beyond our prayers. The curriculum has reignited our children’s love of learning, and by teaching with a Biblical worldview, the lessons they are bringing home challenge us as parents and grow our faith as well. The intentionality with which teachers, administrators, and fellow WCA families have embraced our kids and us as a family has been wonderful. When friends ask us if we’ll be back in public school as soon as the pandemic is over, we’re able to answer with a quick and definitive “No” – WCA is home.”

Kaitlin & Steven Lane

“We are just incredibly thankful for WCA and the love and character that they are pouring into the kids each day.  We have literally seen a major transformation in Chloe’s heart since attending WCA.

Chloe had a traumatic birth and spent her whole first year of life undergoing therapy.  Before attending WCA, she had frequent temper tantrums, had a hard time controlling her emotions, had a serious aversion to talking about God, and struggled with jealousy.  I believe these issues were in large part due to her traumatic first year of life.

WCA is truly and amazing answer to prayer, and I am just so thankful for all of them, their example, and the love of Christ that they are pouring into the students.  It has already worked a miracle in Chloe’s life, and I’m sure in all the other students at WCA as well.

With all the uncertainty that is raging around us, I am so encouraged and inspired by the incredible kingdom work they are doing each and every day by shaping the hearts and minds of these children to become mighty kingdom warriors and leaders of the next generation!”

Che & Debbie Kim

“We made the decision to start each of our girls at WCA in Kindergarten and now the school has been an integral part of our lives for nearly 20 years. Our partnership with WCA allowed Cher and I to see our three daughters, Maddie, Emma and current 12th Grader Lily, grow in their faith and learning. What we didn’t realize at the beginning of this journey was the impact WCA would make on both of us. From the selfless and loving staff, to our fellow parents that have become life-long friends; we have been truly blessed by WCA. As our daughters have grown into young adults, we see a maturation of their wonderful hearts and truth-seeking minds that were certainly molded by their years at WCA. Proverbs 22:6 tells us the importance of training up our children early on and “even when they are old, they will not turn from it”. WCA helped plant those seeds early on in our children, preparing them well to impact the world for Christ.”

Rich & Cher Thomas

“We decided to transfer our son from the public school system in the first half of his 8th grade year.  The transition to Westside Christian Academy was amazing!  The administration was overwhelmingly supportive, and walked my son through his new day to day life at WCA one step at a time.

My husband and I noticed a difference in him almost immediately, and we knew we made the right choice.  About a month into school, he came home and said, “Mom, do you want to know the best thing about going to school at WCA…I can be who am I all the time, I don’t have to pretend anymore and I can talk about God whenever I want to.”  He was silenced in public school, and being free to talk about Christ, and to be challenged academically at WCA has been an incredible life changing experience for him.

He is an incoming Junior this year, and my only regret is that we didn’t transfer him sooner. The teachers love these kids, they pray for and with them, and they care for each one like their own.

If you are considering transferring an older child into WCA, let me encourage you by saying this is one decision you will not regret.  Westside Christian Academy is a very special place.”

Rob & Karen Hussey

“WCA has quite the growing reputation in the Cleveland area. We knew we wanted to check it out when our kids were older, but didn’t know they started at preschool. We found out only weeks before the school year was starting & signed up our daughter. It could not have been a better experience for us or our daughter. To know she is in a safe Christian environment where she is nurtured & encouraged is priceless. We can not believe how much she has learned & grown in preschool! She is quoting scripture & fully explaining Bible stories to us. We feel very confident she is ready & prepared for kindergarten.”

Martin & Emily Hale

“WCA is one of the best things that has happened to us since we moved here a few years back.  Right from the beginning we were warmly welcomed and my kids have always felt safe and very comfortable in the school environment.

The teachers here are friendly and amazing.  They not only focus on improving my kid’s areas of need but also put a huge emphasis on bolstering their individual strengths.  The Principal, Headmaster and teachers promptly address any questions or concerns without delay.

I also greatly appreciate the detailed timely update I get regarding everything happening at school without any communication gap.

I love how every management decision is prayerfully considered.

Overall it has been a pleasant journey so far. Thanking God for the wonderful privilege of being a part of WCA.”

The Paul Family

“God is faithful. I had been praying for a Christian school for my two boys before we moved to Avon Lake 12 years ago. The Lord prepared the home for us with a neighbor of a WCA family. Four years later, my younger son, Kyler, started in 3rd grade at WCA (2013). The transition was difficult at the beginning because we just spent couple years overseas. However, the teachers and staff were very patient, loving and encouraging and helped tremendously in our transition. Kyler made new friends and developed close friendship as they enjoyed time together both inside and outside the school. We are so blessed with the high quality of the teachers who are caring and willing to go above and beyond their duties to spend extra time to invest in the development of the students both academically and spiritually. We are very very grateful…praise God for WCA!”

Angel Chan

“I could go on and on about how much we enjoyed our first year at WCA. One thing that stands out the most is how everything is centered around God. I am sure that the foundation that these kids are taught will be with them throughout their lives. Another thing I enjoyed is how involved you can be in the classroom. My son loved seeing his dad and I for lunch, class parties and field trips. WCA feels like a big family, the staff is amazing and you always feel welcome. We could not feel more blessed to be a part of this school!”

Mike & Camille Urban

When anyone asks us where our kids go to school, I always reply with “Westside Christian Academy, It was the best decision we ever made, hands down!” 5 years ago we had our oldest son enrolled in our local public school. We were very involved in our community, the local Early Childhood PTA, and both my husband and I went to public schools, so we did not even question where our kids would attend school. 

Right about the time we enrolled our son for Kindergarten, it seemed that everywhere we turned; clients of ours, friends at church, and even neighbors started talking about WCA. A school we had never even heard of.  They all, like us, not only said their kids attended, but that it was “the best decision they ever made.” One peer in our industry said that he would have taken out a second mortgage on his home if it meant sending his kids to WCA. With those strong statements, we felt the Lord leading us to learn more.

We started asking more questions to a WCA family who attended our church. They invited us to a school event and open house where I was intrigued by the Classical Christian Education model. In that same timeframe, I attended our Public Schools Kindergarten open house. I will never forget how different I felt at each. At the public school, the teachers were telling us what we needed to do as parents to make their lives easier. Make sure they are dressed, that they can zip their coats, that they are dropped off on time, etc… when I came to WCA’s open house, it was the exact opposite. The teachers and staff talked about how they were going to build into our kids, how they were going to teach them well to a higher standard, shepherd them in lieu of behavior modification methods, and teach them how much God loves them. After that night, it was clear to me where God was leading us.

I truly believe that WCA is one of the greatest blessings in our family’s lives.  It’s been incredible watching this community build into our two boys teaching them how to love the Lord, to love others and to become not only good students, but to build up their integrity, their character and to become our future leaders.  Sending our two boys to WCA is a decision we will never regret.”

Ed & Julie Huck

“Pre-K has been an incredible experience for our family.  If I had to choose one word to describe Pre-K it would be “precious”.  Our children have learned so much academically while simultaneously being encouraged to be full of wonder, creativity, and God’s perfect love.  Teachers are engaged with our children and have meaningful interactions throughout the school day.  Our children are nurtured by our extraordinary teachers and have been set up for success for kindergarten and beyond.  This wonderful group of children have become like family versus just classmates….it’s very special.   I am so thankful for Pre-K at WCA!”

Eric & Katie Waller

“Kindergarten at WCA is special.  Each day I knew that my daughter was being loved, guided, and taught by excellent educators.  If she was having a difficult day, students and teachers would pray with and for her.  Classroom time was spent in diverse and immersive learning experiences. I especially love that Kindergarteners practice public speaking and memorize Bible verses from A to Z.  I know that we have a strong foundation for the learning and growth that will continue in first grade.”

The Lang Family

Westside Christian Academy is truly a gem in the Cleveland area.  Each year we are amazed at the growth and maturity that we see in our girls.  This is largely due to the amazing teachers that shepherd our children through everyday circumstances at school as well as the outstanding curriculum that builds each year.  The structured environment allows our three girls to thrive – they love going to school, learning and even the memorization!  In every part of their day they are taught to think with a biblical world view which is critical in the ever-changing world around us.  WCA is a community of families that truly care about each other and value the present day application of the bible.”

Jeff & Becky Swartz